Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Be kind to yourself

Am I the only one that feels this way almost always? 

Being kind to myself is something I struggle with. I live with all my imperfections and see them most readily. However, I recognize how unhealthy that is. (Especially when it prevents me from seeing the good and makes me wonder why my husband stays or why anyone would choose to be my friend.)  So today is about being kind to myself. Today's weigh in was great. Would have liked to see better but I got all the vacation weight off and that took work and dedication. I've been doing great with my calories. I've been exercising. I am making progress, even if it is slow and not always steady. I am a good person with something to offer. 

What kind things aren't you telling yourself?
What kind things should you be telling yourself? 

Never suppress a generous thought.
-Camilla Kimball
(Try to include yourself.)

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